Internationally Accredited Security Services

Mission Statement
‘To provide a safe and secure working environment for its clients and personnel, achieved through the recruitment of experienced contractors, procurement of quality equipment and commitment to continual improvement; whilst respecting human rights at all times.’
Internationally Accredited Security Services
Our clients require a security provider with a proven and robust operating capability within Iraq.
The Al Hurea Country and Regional Management teams have extensive experience managing and operating on multiple large and medium contracts and fully understands the working nature, culture and expectations of our clients.
The significant capabilities of our teams are necessary in order to understand the deeply complex threat dynamics of these regions, comprehend and interface with the web of security stakeholders and navigate the multiple licensing regimes presented by the Federal Iraq Government

Mobile Security
Daily missions are driven by security information and analysis led evaluation of the day to day risk on each route. Travel throughout the Iraq regions offers unique challenges due to the distances/terrain and remote locations, thus the need to provide support and secure the movement of high value client Personnel.
Al Hurea’s Journey Management plan is safe, cost effective and in accordance with Al Hurea SOMS, the Iraqi law, MoI policy and client concessional minimum operating and HSE standards. The journey management system is tied in with country threat alert states and with client travel management procedures.
MPTs are equipped with a number of B6 armoured classification. Each vehicle is equipped with break down recovery equipment and emergency extraction equipment. Examples of Al Hurea vehicles are as follows:
One (1) Global Positioning System Transponder units with panic button function capable of activating an alarm on any monitoring system of each vehicle.
One (1) handheld GPS per team.
One (1) Trauma Medical Pack per vehicle. FREC 3 as a minimum.
One (1) handheld radio per person.
One (1) digital vehicle fit radio per vehicle.
One (1) sets of Ballistic Protective Equipment (helmet and armoured vest with Level III (per person including client issuance).
Stowage box.
Heavy Duty Cargo Net for luggage per vehicle.

Static Security
Static Security Operations are driven by intelligence led evaluation of the day threat to the operational environment. Travel throughout Iraq and concessional areas/regions offer unique challenges due to the distances/terrain/remote locations. AHSS will provide site specific duties and contingencies for all static security operations on project.
The plans are based on the AHSS Standing Operating Management System (SOMS), client offices physical defences and current and predicted threat levels whilst conducting security operations including;
Perimeter security
Entry Control Point guarding
Access control and screening
Roving patrols and Incident Response
The assigned staff at all levels providing security at these key facilities will have the responsibility to ensure that all security service procedures are executed effectively and in accordance with each contract.